Charged Shot

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Charged Shot Gamescast Episode 39: Lootbox Apocalypse

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It's lootbox apocalypse and everyone is invited!

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Fortnite BR mode passes 10 Million Players

  • 44 million hours played.
  • 3.7 million daily active users
  • 525,000 peak concurrent

Epic Games Sues Alleged Fornite Cheaters

Epic Games has made 2 individual civil complaints. They are being accused of been accused of copyright infringement, contributory copyright infringement, breach of contract, and intentional interference with contractual relations. Epic Game’s complaint reads as follow: “The software that Defendant uses to cheat infringes Epic’s copyrights in the game and breaches the terms of the agreements to which Defendant agreed in order to have access to the game.”

EA Addresses Battlefront Loot Crates

Unlocking loot crates will yield Star Cards, Outfits, Emotes and Victory Poses. Star Cards are are items you can equip for a buff. EA is saying that the most powerful items won’t be in the crates and unlocked via achievements. Most of the cards and weapons will be accesses by playing and ranking up.

ESRB Does Not Consider Loot Boxes Gambling

Dungeonland Chroma Squad Launch Kickstarter for RPG Relic Hunters Legend

NISA Apologizes for Ys 8 Translation Promises to Apply Fixes in November

Ys 8 has been getting criticized for it’s awkward translations done by NISA for the first time. The usual translation team for the Ys games, XSEED was not hired on for Ys 8 translation. The Japanese press has been picking up stories on the “strange quality” of the localization. NIS America president Takura Yamashita has written an apology and assured that changes are coming soon. There will be a new translation with a new editor and patched in late November.

The Good Life FIG Fails

In a tweet SWERY reflects on the Fig campaign and shares more details on the crowdfunded project. He says he regretted not informing people on not sharing that the game will be developed by Yukio Futatsugi’s company (creator of Panzer Dragoon) and the art director for Rez Noboru Horita is on board too. SWERY says he will launch a Kickstarter for this and hopefully start it later this year.

Shovel Knight and Battletoads Team Up

The trio has been in the Xbox version for the last two years but now they are on PC.

Ninja Theory Donates Proceeds From Hellblade to Mental Health Charity Rethink

On October 10th Ninja Theory donated all proceeds from purchases of Hellblade to Rethink on World Mental Health Day.

God Eater 3 Trailers

WWE 2K18 Features KFC’s Colonel Sanders as a Playable Character

New Mario Trailer Has Him Possessing Real People

In this new trailer, we see Mario possess real people and animals mixing CGI Mario with real-life actors/broadway dancers.