Justin sits down (virtually) with Max Mraz, creator, and developer of the new Zelda-like adventure game Ocean's Heart.
Read MoreThe Ins and Outs of Game Development - Interview with Max Mraz (Developer of Ocean's Heart)

Justin sits down (virtually) with Max Mraz, creator, and developer of the new Zelda-like adventure game Ocean's Heart.
Read MoreThe Charged Shot Boys all saw the biggest movie event of the year Avengers Endgame. Here are their full on spoiler filled thoughts on Marvel’s Avenger’s Endgame.
Read MoreBen got a chance to ask Matt Thorson a few questions regarding the creation of Celeste including his design decisions for gameplay and his inspirations for the story.
Read MoreCeleste is a beautifully perfect example of game design done right. I could honestly score this game right now and call it a day, that’s all you need to know. However, for the sake of objective critique, and so the developers feel justified in sending me a review copy,
Read MoreJustin reviews a 3D platformer from Vamped Games called Funk Unplugged
Read MoreHi there, I’m Jake from “Internet Unwind”. This year I have been very busy, I used to play a lot of games to stream and do videos but I don’t have time to anymore. So I didn’t play many story heavy games this year as I have in years past, but I did play a few more casual and multiplayer games.
Read MoreAnyone that knows me would know that even if this game was just fine, just okay, it would have been on this list; I make no excuses for my Metroid fanboyism. We don’t get enough of them, okay!? Give me this. But, it just so happens that this is not only a great Metroid game, it’s also some of the most fun I’ve had challenging myself all year.
Read MoreI didn't have a full list of 10 for my games of the year, mainly because a lot of my gaming time has been spent catching up on games from years past (or grinding in Fortnite). I have played some from this year and I wanted to share them, because I feel like they are great games, some of which may have gone unnoticed for one reason or another.
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Disclaimer: I, uh, only really played one video game in 2017.
Fortunately, that game was The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild on the Nintendo Switch.
It's a popular game. You may have heard of it. I could feel a bit daunted by the task of trying to add any sort of original insight to the vast collective commentary that already surrounds it, but I can only be honest and let you know a couple reasons I like it especially.
If I had to summarize Breath of the Wild's appeal in one sentence: I've never before played a game that encouraged and rewarded simple exploration so richly. Between the vastness of the world and the incredible openness of it all (if you see it, you can get there! you can climb any vertical face! there are very few boundaries! ... at all!), it's just a remarkable sensation, to constantly see something in the distance you want to investigate, only to get distracted by something you see halfway there, oh but then you see this other little thing, and is that a shrine, and oh what's that, and oh I think there's a treasure chest over there...
It's an addicting mechanism that turns upon itself near-endlessly. And it's beautiful. It's all so very pretty. I can't remember another game where I've just stopped and looked around at the landscape.
As a big fan of the Zelda franchise, and as someone who enjoys themes like isolation and post-apocalyptic settings, I just really love this game -- and I'm pretty sure it would have still been my favorite this year, even if I had bothered to play anything else.
Most people see games as mindless entertainment, something to relax your brain after a stressful day of work. However it's been proven that games can tell thought provoking stories and every now and then a game will come along and tell one of those stories. Nier: Automata shook me to my very core, I haven't thought about game's story this much since Metal Gear Solid 3. Nier explores the notions of identity, questions our reality and turns our very expectations upside down and out the window. This isn't a game you only play once, this is a game that you need to play multiple times to understand the scope of the story. Yes the combat is pretty simplistic but it is serviceable and for a game like this that's all I really need. Nier: Automata will make you think, Nier Automata will make you weep. That is why Nier Automata is my Game of The Year for 2017.
Read MoreWithout a doubt, 2017 has been the hardest year of my adult life.
Over the course of the last eighteen months, video games have been one of the few constants in my life. I’ve moved at least five times, lived in four different cities and had the opportunity to do some really interesting work for others and myself.
Read MoreTroll and I is an adventure game from Maximum Games with a focus on cooperative puzzle solving, survival elements, and light combat mechanics. The game tells the tale of a Scandinavian boy foraging in the mountains to support his mother when he comes across a mysterious group of vicious monsters, and a large troll that takes them out and then builds an unlikely, and unexplained bond with the boy.
Read MoreDespite the vast amount of perfect 10 review scores out there, the game is not perfect. It's beautiful, plays very smoothly, and redefines the open world game model in a lot of amazing ways, but it also has a lot of aspects that feel either dated or just not well thought out. But let's start with a rundown, for the two of you who don't know yet what this game is.
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